Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Cerita GYM

Harini aku n DH pi gym...buat apa?? Hai takkan lah memasak kat gym pulak...haruslah kami work out..
DH risau stamina tak ok n tak fit utk gi dive nanti...plan cuti-cuti TTC kat Tioman Island is next month, can't wait :)

30 mins session with our PT, filipino marii...aku rasa PT ni lagi bagus dari PT aku kat Fitness First, kikiki...30 mins session pun dah buat aku sweating, DH apa ntah lagi...siap nak muntah katanya...

PT kata it is a good sign, rasa nak muntah tu sebab pagi tadi kiteorg amek shake HL before turun gi ok, try esok takyah minum shake before work out...according to him ( PT), do not drink or eat 1 hour before and after work out...let our body and internal organ cool down by itself..yes, ada logic nya jugak :)
Bila aku tanya...'sometimes i feel hungry after work out, why?'... Oh rupanya sebab aku breakfast atau makan dulu before exercise/work out, so body aku dah guna semua energy tu instead of aku bakar lemak tepu dlm badan aku ni...:D

Bagus explanation dia before the session begin...katanya...kalau kita makan sweets ( cake, chocolate, any desserts, etc) not work out for 3 days, tapi what we need is to do cardio...Cardio selama 3 hari, 20 - 45mins...hadoiii...ngerinya kalau fikir..abis tu camne nak mkn fav Swiss Passion, Pavlova kat Serai, Empire Gallery nanti?? Demimu Swiss passion dan pavlova, aku sanggup berlari 3 hari, ecehhhh....:P
Tak bagus rupanya minum air sambil work out, panjang diye explain, sebab masa kita tengah work out our blood tgh pumping to the whole parts, so bila kita minum air, it will lighter the blood, which is tak bagus for our body...ok mcm tu lah lebih kurang, tapi aku kene google lagi...
Seronok bila dia ajar cara nak concentrate and focus pada 'parts' yang menjadi masalah pada aku...mostly pada perempuan...aku concentrate pada prob area, which is arm (cuba angkat tangan dan lambai2, hah bahagian bwh arm tu :) ) , obviously hips aku yg besaq mcm kayu balak ni, hihiii..tapi rasenye dah kuruih skit peha ni...menipu sgtla, baru 1 hari work out dah kuruih, perasan! Eh bukan perasan tapi tu positif affirmation, hahahaha! Bluekkkk

Ke gym lagi kita esok, yayyy....



  1. Comelny cite akak ni.hehe

    1. dear dik non (aNONymous),
      ahaha..Eh macam comel je komen awak :P


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