[The Pain]that you experience in life shouldn't make you look down on yourself - or make you look backward and lose sight of your tomorrow. It is difficult to see the wisdom in the scars they leave behind. But once you discover them, you will realize it is your attitude towards them that will make or break the rest of your days. -- Dodinsky

Monday, 14 October 2013
in dilemma...Speedy 30 or 35?
Although I already have a few LVs, yet I still want new piece ;)
Having a designer bag ni mungkin tak penting for certain people, some said it is not necessary at all, but for me, we don't have to spend every month for new handbag, semuanya ikut kemampuan. Kalau rase masa tu memang takde duit, why we want to force ourself just to buy that luxurious brand? Sanggup cut here and there, just to have that luxury handbag. I'm not like that. I'll do a calculation, IF i got extra money, yes..definitely i'll buy my fav handbag :) heeee
lagipun i'm talking about LV which is still affordable to have it, masih lagi dlm kategori mampu milik :)
Lainlah other luxury brand eg: Chanel, Celine, Hermes and etc ---- utk yg ni, aku tak tahu bila nak merasa pakai, dapat merasa pegang pun mungkin dalam mimpi ;)
So now, after a few reviews, i still can't decide which one should i go for, ermmm 30 or 35 Speedy Damier Ebene? I've read lots and lots reviews...kadang2 dah tekad i'll go for 30, tapi bila baca review lagi, i think i'll go for 35..
I do asked opinion frm my two beautiful sisters, which i always refer to if i want to buy something...tak kisahlah baju, tudung, kasut, or anything...because i believe yg my sisters can be relied upon. :) well, i know they'll give their honest opinion, if tak cantik they will tell me, tak cantik..if ok-lah means OK-lah, if memang suits me, then they'll tell...best kan?
Not only i did lots of review, I went to LV boutique as well, i showed my Nazmi and kak dee which handbag yg aku suka...cuma i can't decide on the size, again 30 or 35?
At 1st hubby said --- 30 is nice ;) and i know about it, cuma to me 30 just too common..most of the time i saw people will carry either 25 or 30..25 is big NO NO for me, sebab nmpk sangat cute...plus i loves big bag, ahahhahah
30 or 35?
I tried to carry both...and then hubby said--go for 35, sebab he can put his thingy in my handbag jugak :P fineeee, i don't mind, as a return for him sebab byrkan for my future speedy! Ahahahaha :))
Kak dee agreed on 35 also, so should i go for 35? Ermmmm well i still have time to think about it :)
Akak pun awal2 lagi suruh amek 35..
In term of design, i'm not so confuse..i can go either monogram or damier, preferable in Damier Ebene (DE)..
Sebab i have 2 in monogram designs and 2 in Damier Azur design, maybe kali ni utk Damier Ebene pulak? Plus the interior is in RED, i think it is so WOW! Don't u think so?
I have to decide dengan tekad, which one is my choice before i go to the boutique again. It happen to one of my kakak angkat...she always wanted Mulberry Bayswater, tapi on the day she want to buy her bayswater, she's still looks around, went to LV boutique, tiba2 jadilah dilemma, Bayswater or Speedy, then she decided to buy Speedy, -- sekali lagi dilemma bila kakak angkatku can't decide 25 or 30 sedangkan she's always wanted 30..at the end she bought speedy damier 25, which is so nice on her, :) well, she can buy another one if she wants :)
Cuma to me, i need to decide carefully, as i can't simply buy new handbag, and buy another new handbag next month, ahahahaha...pengsan My Nazmi :P
I will come back on the review --- 30 or 35, let's wait :)
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