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now i'm back for a movie review..eh macam pakar dlm hal movie pulak kekdahnya..:P
last weekend, akhirnya me and hubby sempat jugak tengok this film and nasib baik masih ada kat panggung..kalau tengok kat cinema feel tu lebih sikit.
This story -- Captain Philips is based on true event, based on true story pasal one of US vessel which is Maersk Alabama yang di hijacked oleh somali pirates.
I've been sailing for almost 4 years --- ikut DH...so once aku dengar citer ni masuk wayang, memang i was so excited..this story pun dh pernah masuk national geography as well.
Filem ni memang betul2 rasa dekat dengan jiwa, rasa dekat dengan hati....sebab kalau sebelum ni ramai people out there yang sebenarnya tak tahu pun apa sebenarnya dan apa dugaannya bila belayar round the globe. Selalu kita dengar kisah yang best2 atau kisah2 buruk je pasal orang kapal...kisah gaji besar, kisah orang kapal ramai perempuan, kisah orang kapal dengan perangai yang tak elok, kisah itu kisah ini. But the truth is, setiap apa yang dibayar, sebesar mana yang digaji, sebesar itulah tanggungjawab yang perlu dipikul. Dan yang pastinya, ia bukan kerja yang mudah. Ini adalah salah satu cabaran dan dugaan yang perlu ditempuh.
Bukan tak pernah sebelum ni DH email to me gambar yang kapal dia surrounded by berbelas-belas bot2 kecil yang kononnya macam bot ikan tapi..it is not...masa tu hati memang tak tenteram..doa dari jauh aje yang mampu kami sekeluarga kirimkan, agar suami dan anak-anak kapal yang lain sentiasa dilindungi.
Walau dalam keadaan stress mana pun, DH and anak-anak kapal akan cuba sebaik mungkin untuk menyelesaikan semuanya dengan baik. Just imagine, they are all alone bila kat laut. Kebakaran, cubaan ditawan lanun semuanya they have to face it alone, sementara tunggu bantuan tiba.
In this movie, Tom Hanks acted as Captain Philips, memang great acting!
the way he handle the stress situation, the way he manage their officers and crews onboard, seems like he is the real captain. It reminds me of DH..mcm tu lah dia..receive news, checking his email, manage his officers and crews...
since the beginning of the movie aku dah sebak...why?
captain philips send email to his wife:
'honey...just a normal routine..blablablabla...'(padahal masa ni, dia baru je berjaya patahkan lanun 1st attempt utk hijack the vessel, but then dia taknak buat family dia risau) ahahaha..and i know, DH pun buat benda yang sama bila dia belayar, mesti tulis, everything seems fine, weather ok...all ok..in fact, it is not...:(
the terms that they used in the movie, the location, ---- seriously i'm familiar with it. so memang rasa sangat2 dekat. I know some people may seems boring with this film, maybe lebih suke tengok cerita2 hantu bodoh dan membazirkan duit rm13 utk cerita2 takde input tu...but come on, this is such a great story, lagilah benda yang betul2 berlaku. Budak kat sebelah aku siap boleh tido? erghhhh...
and bila lanun2 tu kene tembak masa hujung2 cerita, and some people still can laugh?? Helloooo, this is not a funny movie wei! Masa tu Captain Philips was crying bila dia bukak mata, semua pirates tu dh kene tembak dengan SEAL team sebab nak selamatkan dia. Kenapa Captain Philips menangis? Because of him, 3 pirates mati which they are not supposed to, tapi the SEAL team have no choice.
The thrill action in this movie pun bagus. Overall, cerita ni memaparkan apa yang benar2 terjadi...something good to share with.
Location yang digunakan masih belum cukup memaparkan keseluruhan apa yang ada di kapal, diyeorg cuma guna Bridge, engine room, and provision store dlm movie ni, kalau nk tengok keseluruhan "life at sea" kiteorg ada cd, hahahaha..tapi this is very exclusive preview...kalau nk tgk boleh la email to me, kihkihkih..:P
Tom Hanks on seafarers:
"I was actually quite dazzled..you see these ships all over the world and you don't think much of them, you don't realize how many people are on board or how difficult they are to run. It doesn't look like a glamorous job, and it's not, but it's an important one, and there are stresses that you can't even begin to believe or fathom. I think the standard myth about it is it's a rag-tag group of men and some women who get together and paint the same bulkhead over and over again. But in fact they have a lot of pressure on them...it's a very dangerous job, as well as an important one and you have to actually be accomplished in order to get it done. I was very impressed with how hard it is, how much is involved in doing so much as loading a bunch of containers on a 585 foot ship and getting them halfway around the world."
Cerita ni memang best, rasa mcm nk repeat, repeat lagiiii.....pada yang belum tengok cerita ni, pls go and watch...tinggalkan la dulu cerita2 yang mengarut tak berfaedah atau cerita yang setakat untuk jerit2 peluk2 kuat ngan bf/gf kat dlm wayang tu..buat bazir duit jek...lagi bagus tgk cerita yang berinformasi, berbaloi rm13 ko dik....:)
Overall i gv 4* out of 5*
p/s: Ya Allah, Kau permudahkanlah dan selamatkanlah semua pelayar2 kita. Lindungi mereka ya Allah. Aamiin.
best regards,
the sailor wife
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