today at 5pm, pilot onboard..kapal superhero kuar around that time...after 1hr plus maneuvering , then baru lah ada masa nk berborak sket sebelum ke-putus-an line..huwarghhhh...huwarghhhhhh :(
we have been together more than 7years..+- since kenal until la is not that easy for me..not easy for me everytime u want to sail again...cuti is the best part...:) when kapal nk blayar..e same feeling appears...sedih, rindu...tiap kali, tiap kali perasaan yg sama datang...yes i know u can call me using satellite phone, u will email me everyday, tq sayang...even we are apart, i can feel ur love, like u were right besides that i feel secure..thanks syg...
the best part is bile time cuti..we spend all e time together...we go here and there together..and we never feel bored!yes,..its true...i can't wait for our next holiday...i will wait for u dear..dun worry about me yeah?i will take care myself as u always did..i will always pray for our good as u always remind doa will always for u, semoga sayang selamat dlm menjalankan amanah Allah...insyaAllah..
u r my everything, u r such a great husband i ever wanted, u r the perfect gift for me from Allah...alhamdulillah...i will always love u sayang, and i hope u will feel the same...i miss u...
love u my superhero...xoxo

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