hi, this is HERO...Scottish Fold breed....
HERO, 3months old..:)
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he's so playful ;) |
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HERO now is really a HERO!! |
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hi this is HEROIN aka OWIN |
Hero was bought in Dec 2009, while he's 3month old...and Owin was bought in ermm lupa lorr..is ok, the 1st intention of buying Owin adalah utk dikawenkan dengan hero, so that nnti dpt la kittens yg comel...
Kenapa pilih breed Scottish Fold and Norwegian Forest Cat? oh, ok memang tak tahu pun apa2 pasal dua2 breed ni...yg penting depa nmpk comel..so on saja...
After almost 2years jaga Hero and Owin..then i know a lil bit characteristic both of them and this is what i want to share...:)
HERO - Scottish Fold breed
*sangat pendiam..which mean, dia takkan mengiau tak tentu pasal..unless ade benda yg tak kena...
*manja...tapi depends jugak, sometimes bila 1st time jumpe dia dh manja, so kalau dia tak manja tu, makna kata dia tak suka lah tu :P
*very playful, active...tapi still under control...tapi bila dh semakin meningkat usia ni, dia dah kurang playful..or maybe sebab hero dh gemok? maybe....
*suke tidur dlm bilik air, dalam sinki, dalam luggage bag, dalam stor....mane2 tempat yg hero rase coool...se-cool dirinya jugak...;)
*moderate curiosity compare to Owin...:p
*mudah kene fungus pada telinga, ekor....because of what? one of the reason, this breed of cat like to lepak2 kat tmpt2 mcm bilik air, sinki , etc...;) so kalau boleh, mmg kene elakkan dia lepak2 tido2 dlm bilik air...dengan cara, tiap kali pintu bilik air make sure tutup....
untuk yg suke kucing ala pendiam, tak bnyk mengiau..and especially for those yg duduk apartment, kondo...this breed is very suitable and recommended...but please avoid Bengal ok...if not, nnti ade lak neighbour yg datang complaint..hikhikkk...
HEROIN - Norwegian Forest Cat
so what bout Owin? Ok, she's very adorable...when we mention forest cat, apa agak2 yg terlintas kat fikiran kamu2 di luar sana? Oh my!
Some of her characteristics that i noticed:
* very2 difficult to get close to people...yes, this type of breed akan manja ngan u if u jaga since they were kitten...and dia akan manja dengan u sorang je, kalau dengan org lain...confirm dia akan menyorok!
(as for me, it took almost 7months kot for her to get close to me, if not jangan kau mimpi nk pegang diye...sila nyanyi lagi Siti Sarah - Jangan kau mimpi yeh! :P )
*she likes hunting...so bile malam, mcm2 kerja la yg diye buat...tangkap insect, or even cockroach (kantoi la umah ade cockcroach!) in other way, its good...semua cockroach dh mati ok sbb owin dh tangkap!! :P , and cicak...
*tak manja dengan org yg tak kenal...
*bising! suke mengiau.....oh my!!especially time2 mengawan...rumah ni dh mcm dlm hutan dh..bila dia mengiau cari jantan..haiyooooo
*she has very nice and long fur...biasenye combinations of three colours which is white, brown and black...:)
so i think that it about them...:)
p/s: hero n owin tgh sibuk nk mating, so can u imagine suasana umah ai sekarang...*tutup telinga*

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