alhamdulillah.....leganya today...mission accomplished..!yay!! so for the next 2weeks, me dh ade plan...tgklah..bnyk nk habiskan dvd ni...anyway, ni baru some of the collections...kalau tunjuk yg kat dlm cupboard...hah, mau tergezut nnti...:P
Just bought 2 novels jek, sebab yg ada pun lum abis...ala, lagi sikit jek nk abis...:P ... mcm menarik je cover novel ni kan...sweet...nice...hopefully the story is not boring...:) tapi rasenye tak kot, sbb fiction novel by Alexander Potter ni simple, what i mean is, he is using simple english that semua org yg tak bper nk pandai english mcm me senang nk baca...and yg penting paham...:) - ye lah me ni sekolah tak harap maklum la ye..buat ape nk malu mengaku kan? sepatah dua kata bleh la....ok, dh start nk merepek merendahkan diri yg sememangnye dh rendah dan gemok ni kan..ok stop ye kakakpandai!
kalau u all lapang2 and bnyk free time mcm me ni, keje pun tak,...blaja pun tak...anak pun lum ade lagi...anak kucing ada ler...:P so leh la try baca this fiction novel...anyway, thanks to ija sbb suggest kan i beli novel ni...:))
i think i better stop now, (aiceh speaking la pulak khen???) eh no offense ek anyone...? gurau jek...bukan taknk mengarut panjang lebar..tapi jap lagi dh takde line...kapal dh sail out...will update lagi next call bintulu...
till then,
loves all....

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