[The Pain]that you experience in life shouldn't make you look down on yourself - or make you look backward and lose sight of your tomorrow. It is difficult to see the wisdom in the scars they leave behind. But once you discover them, you will realize it is your attitude towards them that will make or break the rest of your days. -- Dodinsky

Saturday, 18 September 2010
Pada kawan2 yang da lame tak jumpe...and masih mengikuti blog tak best I ni,here r some infos,kot2 la masih sudi nak amek tahu..:P
Basically tak bnyk yg berubah, =P
Berat?ermm seems like I'm become fat and fat everyday!OMG....
Num phone?still da same...
Home address?hah,yg ni dah nak bertukarrrr...will update to u guys personally,takkan la nak letak kat blog ni kot,bkn pe taknak nnt ade yg terslh fikir kata kita ni duk show off itu ini,ya tak?heheee
Baby?setakat ni lum rezeki kami,mudah2an dengan berkat doa kami dan diiringi berkat doa kawan2 diluar sane moga dimurahkan rezeki kami :)
Masih belayar?yup,masuk 2bln cuti,will join ship middle of Nov,insyaAllah
Aktiviti mase cuti?kemas umah,kemas umah dan kemas umah...TAPI tak pernah siap kemas umah...haishhh!
And extra info:I da ade kucing yg sgt comel,name HERO,and now we're looking for hero's GF...ade sesape yg ade calon baek for my HERO tak?tp ade syaratnye...haha,mcm cari menantu plak!
Calon GF hero mestilah:Pure Breed,Vaccinated,Dewormed completed ya!
Priority given to: British Shorthair and American Shorthair...
Nak tahu lebih lanjut:call my cell,tq!
Ok,nnt sambung crite lg...:)
Love all,
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