entry hari ni berdouble-double sbb esok dh sailing semula..baru abis wrapping barang utk di post to my dearest sis in law..
sorry dik, tak sempat nk post last trip mase masuk bintulu..coz akak bz smpai terlupa nk wrapping..heheee...ni dh siap wrapping, esok will pass it to agent, and agent will settle it for postage..kalau takde ape2, by friday dh leh smpai...and bukak dgn berhati2 taw..hehehe...knape perlu hati2?hah!surprise...tunggu la hadiah tu smpai...and again, sorry la kalau present tu tak best, tp yg penting ikhlas from the bottom of our heart...:)) ceh! tp true..ikhlas dari kami..terima lah seadanye..ntah ape2 jek merepek...:) and hope u'll like it...
pejam celik,pejam celik...dh almost 2months blayar..kalau ade yg nk ganti my hubby by aug dah boleh balik..kot..but we see how..sometimes bile suruh ganti org kat kapal ni, ramai jek yg tak boleh..tp kalau nk balik mcm2 alasan bagi..tp tu lah adat org blayar..nk buat macam mane..mencari rezeki..jadi redha saje..
tgh sedang surf internet, dtg 3 org off signer yg balik hari ni..tetibe jadi sedey bile tgk muke diyeorg..to u guys...hope to see u guys again soon...:) take care!u're like little bro to me..and take this as a lesson..so many times i 've mentioned this to them..insyaAllah..everything gonna be ok..
seharian mengadap laptop..turun pi bilik and mandi2, and now continue semula mengarang dan mengarut...last week, all ship personnel dpt cuti 1 hari sbb excellent while audit..so inilah habuannye..1hari cuti..ok la kan..better than nothing..betul tak?even 1hari cuti pun hari tu full of activities..mkn2 mlm tu...the next day ade sport day..but me n hubby tak join, sbb we all tido at 4am in the morning, and at nite tu pulak..ade games..simple game jek but we're having fun...the game were coordinate by cadet tc, cadet wawa, jr eng fatin..dan dibantu oleh myself..tp mmg happening gile mlm tu..bnyk video kalau boleh yg nk di update..gmbar tak bnyk sgt..tp next entry i'll try my best upload ok..
i tahu ramai suke tgk gmbar2 kan..kalau setakat tulis itu ini jek...bukan nye u olls baca pun..betul tak??hehehe..ok la..hubby dh nk tido...tata...~
salam n wanshang hao dari kami...
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