[The Pain]that you experience in life shouldn't make you look down on yourself - or make you look backward and lose sight of your tomorrow. It is difficult to see the wisdom in the scars they leave behind. But once you discover them, you will realize it is your attitude towards them that will make or break the rest of your days. -- Dodinsky

Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Monday, 24 May 2010
@ atas kapal....
entry hari ni berdouble-double sbb esok dh sailing semula..baru abis wrapping barang utk di post to my dearest sis in law..
sorry dik, tak sempat nk post last trip mase masuk bintulu..coz akak bz smpai terlupa nk wrapping..heheee...ni dh siap wrapping, esok will pass it to agent, and agent will settle it for postage..kalau takde ape2, by friday dh leh smpai...and bukak dgn berhati2 taw..hehehe...knape perlu hati2?hah!surprise...tunggu la hadiah tu smpai...and again, sorry la kalau present tu tak best, tp yg penting ikhlas from the bottom of our heart...:)) ceh! tp true..ikhlas dari kami..terima lah seadanye..ntah ape2 jek merepek...:) and hope u'll like it...
@higashi oghishima,japan
- from port to town..it will take about 45mins driving..and for us(ship staffs), the taxi stop by near kawasaki nikko hotel..
- and just nearby and walking distance bnyk sgt tempat2 best utk cuci2 mata...
- next to kawasaki nikko hotel tu je dah ade 10th floor shopping mall(I0I0)..so mcm2 la ade kat situ..10 tingkat..so jalan la selagi tak penat..this I0I0 connected to LeFront shopping mall...and the famous electric shop were here called Yodabashi..(ade 5tingkat or more if i'm not mistaken)- dlm ni jugak ade jugak jual perfume and paling banyak jual gadget and others electronic items
- dari nikko hotel to kawasaki station...only 10mins walking and can take train to Akihabara..also known as ELECTRIC TOWN...train fare from Kawasaki Stn to Akihabara is 380yen(RM15) for 1way...it will takes 30mins to reach there..
- From Kawasaki, u can go to Yokohama and Tokyo by train..*_________*---- then bole pi hardrock yokohama n hardrock tokyo...:)
- another 1 shopping mall at kawasaki station called Kawasaki BE..kalau rase nk cari mcm2 makanan jepun, just straight to the Lower Ground..kat situ macam2 ade....:) after 8.30pm harga makanan kat sini will be discounted from 30% to 50%...---untung woo!
- kalau rase2 teringin nk makan krispy kreme donut, yes...it is located at KAWASAKI BE @ ground floor...
- kat kawasaki ade shopping area macam hamano-machi(ade yg dah pernah p?kat nagasaki)...1 longgggggggg street, with any kind of shops kiri kanan..cume larat tak larat jek nk jalan...dan bukan ade satu street jek..tp bnyk2 street..and also there are a lots of pachinko..
- Azalea-this is a shopping area in the subway train station..kat sini pun macam2 kedai boleh jumpe...ade jugak jual food...at gourmet area...biasenye...1 lorong for foods, in other different lorong baju2 jek...at the other different lorong jual others stuff..
- jln2 lagi....ade lagi shopping mall..called DICE..ade tsutaya(for DVD and games...),UniQlo,lain2 kedai...baju,kasut,sports shop...
- there are a lot of convenient shops i.e:Circle K, Lawson, 7 eleven.. etc..normally for ships staff kedai2 convenient ni penting sbb nk top up Brastel..am i rite???hehehhe
- also have Jeans Mate, Mister Donut...shop lot before DICE shopping mall...
- most of the shops closed at 10pm...sebab biasenye kalau bndar2 yg tak bper besar, kedai2 will be close at 8pm...
last trip i abis window shopping around 10pm, then just lepak2 in front of kawasaki nikko hotel while waiting for the taxi..and 2nd mate came and asked me whether i bnyk ke shopping..it's true i tak bnyk pun shopping..but kalau nk ikutkan dari tghhari till 10pm mmg tak cukup waktu nk jalan nk shopping..and this good idea pop out from him...
"kalau akak rase nk cukup mase shopping..akak shore leave, then bawak duit 10,000yen(rm400)..jgn bawak kad kredit..mase tu akak turun pukul 1pm smpai kul 5pm pun akak mesti dh tak tahu nk buat ape...hahhah"
ermmm, i think i would try his idea...and my hubby will love it toooo....*______*
love from us~ linda&azrul
Sunday, 9 May 2010
mengisi masa lapang
Saturday, 8 May 2010
itu ini
mane la tak gemok...:P
antara hidangan enak mlm itu..thanks to chief cook n team...~mmg terbaek la!
kami la ni..wajah terbaru..aikk ade perubahan ke?
during labour day party 1st may aritu, bnyk jugak aktiviti mlm ni, semua arrange by cadet deck..ok la..just for fun, release tension time keje...then selain karaoke, ade live show..berbakat jugak budak2 kapal ni rupenye..:) enjoy the video ya..ahnaf 1st song
memandangkan line internet sgt slow kat sini,time anchor ni..so bnyak gmbr akan diupload terus kat fb..so,check out my new updated photos on my fb ok...:)
love from PZS,
Friday, 7 May 2010
last trip masuk shimizu..so far,ok la..tak la macam yokohama,but still...ade bende yg nk dibeli..tp yg paling best..i bought something that i really want..and sempat la belikan present for my youngest sister in law, happy belated birthday ajlaa..semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki..cepat2 habis master dgn jayanye..aminn...perlu ke tunjuk kat blog ni present dia?aishh mane bole, tak surprise la..hehheee... turun 1st bus,balik last bus..kalau nk ikutkn bnyk gmbar nk upload..tp server slow..jd nk tgk lebih2 sila tgk dlm my fb jek..ade la upload sikit2.,by stages.. layan la gmbar yg sikit ni...:)
love all,