Saturday, 19 April 2014

Thankful for all the blessing


Blog ni dh lama tak di update, i was so busy..of course busy with my life...semuanya yang nk dibuat terbatas, tapi alhamdulillah masih berkesempatan kali ni nk update blog.  

There's a lot of story to write, cuma bila nanti..nanti...dan the end, semuanya aku tak update langsung....

i did received few emails from kawan2 luar yang ask me to add them to TTC Group Malaysia, some of them masih lagi pending, and some of them aku dh add...i'm so sorry kalau ade yang terlepas shaa Allah after this all will be ok....

Life been not so good for the past few months, apapun...i keep telling myself, whatever happen, whatever come to our life, I need to be strong, have faith...Allah sentiasa menguji kita, tanda Allah sayangkan kita..betul tak? :)

With all loves one around me, alhamdulillah...instead busy memikirkan masalah diri sendiri dan sekeliling, i know that, out there masih ada yang really care for me.  Alhamdulillah....:)  you know who you are...i love u so much, family and friends.  

Since today is weekend, so biasanya waktu terluang aku akan spend dengan kak dee and nk bersiap2 and off we go....where? ala ronda2 shah alam pun ok....:)

will write again, tataaaaa

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