[The Pain]that you experience in life shouldn't make you look down on yourself - or make you look backward and lose sight of your tomorrow. It is difficult to see the wisdom in the scars they leave behind. But once you discover them, you will realize it is your attitude towards them that will make or break the rest of your days. -- Dodinsky
Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is the spontaneous end of a pregnancy at a stage where the embryo or fetus is incapable of surviving, generally defined in humans at prior to 20 weeks of gestation. Miscarriage is the most common complication of early pregnancy.
Very early miscarriages—those which occur before the sixth week LMP (since the woman's Last Menstrual Period)—are medically termed early pregnancy loss or chemical pregnancy. Miscarriages that occur after the sixth week LMP are medically termed clinical spontaneous abortion.
lunch date hari ni dgn ikin lagi,..thnx to ikin sbb temankan akak mkn and jln2..kalau tak boring la mkn sorang2..mcm biase, mkn dkt 1 of me n my husband favourite place..Asiari,SACC Mall..ni pun ikin yg bagitahu ade menu baru..so, i've decided to try this new menu..wow!mcm biase,asiari tak pernah menghampakan..bab mkn ni for me n husband so far takde masalah...yg penting sedap dan berbaloi..
dan yg paling penting mestilah halal kan..tak perlu la nk mkn2 kat hotel2 mewah atau mane2 restaurant bertaraf 5 bintang pun, sbb kami pun bukanla manusia bertaraf sebanyak bintang itu..kan syg?kadang2 ade adik2 yg nk blanja me n husband,naik risau pikir nk ajak kiteorg nk mkn kat mane..takut kiteorg layan kedai mhl2 je..uishhh mane ade!kalau mkn kat kedai2 biase pun ok pe, yg penting best..ingat tak akak crite kat korang pasal akak request ngan along nk mkn kat kedai2 yg payung2 tu?hah, makan kat situ lagi best tau, kami tak pernah memilih bab mkn ni..anyway my dear,nti syg balik kite p mkn kat asiari k..sementara tunggu syg balik ni biar b rasekan utk syg..:)
so, inilah hasilnye..jeng.jeng....licin licau i makan taw...bkn pe...1st thing memang la sedap..and then tak baik mkn tak habis..membazir..membazir tu amalan syaitan..jadi..jgn la ikut amalan syaitan...:)
kalau ade sesape yg berminat nk blanje i kat sini..sila2 lah call or text me eyh...ok la frens, next time i update lagi...tata....wave~
adoiyai...baru 4days abis exam...tapi bosannye...tapi kalau my dear ade mesti tak bosan mcm ni..
nk masak pun mls, tapi mkn nk pulak..:)
so far,activity yg di lakukan selama 4days ni...
bgn pagi2..hntar kak di gi bus stop...smpai umah..breakfast..susu anlene+2pieces wholemeal bread..
lunch hour..masak se 'simple' yg boleh..hihi..yg penting perut tak kosong, sebab bkn per..perut i ni kalau
dh kosong tahap maksimum, terus rase cm nk pengsan..aik..itu mcm ka?
smlm online with my adik aj, tanye diye psl psp i yg da lame tak digunakan...naper pulak game dlm
tu tak leh nk main...maybe kene install game baru kot?diye pun naik pelik, aikk dh takde aktiviti sgt smpai
abis psp semua antara activity termasuk dlm list...adoiyaiii....
marathon tgk dvd desperate hsewife..seasons 3..tq syg sbb bg b beli lagi dvd tu for the next seasons...
grey's anatomy since seasons 1 tak tgk lagi, prison break..and lain2 dvd ekceli banyak yg lum abis
tgk..mesti habiskan tgk...
to adik aj-->tu awk beli harry porter bebanyak tu, bile nye nk tgk?akak ke yg kene tgk??hihi...
tolongla, bosannye tak tahu ape nk buat...takpelah, nk search holiday package...nk celebrate our 4th year anniversary and utk honeymoon sekali...:) tak sabar nk tunggu syg balik...yeay!cepatla masa berlalu...aku rindu...